Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What did we do on Kara's 3rd birthday?

Today we went to the Martinsburg-Berkeley County Public Library. We met with Jane Levitan, the Librarian, to donate books we purchased in memory of Kara. As we have written on our first blog (http://karaannelang.blogspot.com), Kara loved looking at books, and being read to as often as possible. She could literally sit on the floor for 45 minutes to an hour pulling one book after another off of the shelf, turning each page, and intently looking at the pictures.  Kara also would sit on anyone's lap as long as they were willing to read to her. Below is the bookplate we designed that the library will place on the inside of the books we donate. The plan is to donate books every year on Kara's birthday to the local library wherever we may be living. Our angel, Kara, would have loved the books we donated to the library, and I'm sure she's very happy that other children will be enjoying new books.

1 comment:

  1. What a lasting remembrance of Kara! We all share the wonderful memory of reading to her.
